
What should be our response to all the far-right hate groups in Canada?

As I have stated on many occasions, the threat to Canada from Islamist extremist groups represents by far the single greatest priority for our security services – CSIS, the RCMP and provincial and municipal police forces.  We have seen around a dozen plots, both foiled and successful, since 9/11, the most recent one being the attack in a Canadian Tire in Scarborough on June 3.  Thankfully even in the cases where people subscribing to hateful and loathsome interpretations of Islam were able to set in motion their terrorist intent, few have died.  To date, only Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent (October 20, 2014) and Corporal Nathan Cirillo (October 22, 2014) – RIP gentlemen – have lost their lives in terrorist attacks.  Three terrorists have also been killed by law enforcement so far in Canada (Martin Couture-Rouleau, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau and Aaron Driver).

At the same time we cannot ignore other manifestations of terrorist threat.  For instance we have been witnessing a worrying spike in demonstrations and antagonism by self-styled ‘patriot’ groups (is it just me or does this sound very American?).  A few examples will help illustrate my point:

And these are just three samples of late. In addition a article recently provided a useful overview of anti-Islamic groups in this country.  The reading is not comforting.  So what’s up?

Ignorance and hate, that’s what’s up.  These groups hide behind some self-styled notions of patriotism and nationalism in their claims that they are protecting Canada from a litany of ills: Muslims, illegal immigrants, uppity First Nations…  They often shroud themselves in our flag as if they are somehow the only ones that ‘get’ what it means to be Canadian.  They usually show up wearing black, looking all fascist-like and give off strong signs that they are willing to resort to violence to make whatever point they are trying to make.  Some appear to be channeling some inner Norse god fetish (Sons of Odin).

What level of threat they truly pose is unclear.  La Meute claims on its FaceBook page that it has more than 8,000 members: the ‘World Coalition Against Islam (WCAI)’ claims 12,000.  While these numbers are astonishing it is unclear what a ‘member’ means.  I am not saying that we should ignore these people but I am not sure what effort needs to be leveraged to monitor them to keep their potentially violent acts in check.  We need more data and more analysis on what this is all about.

In any event I suspect that neither CSIS nor the RCMP have spare resources to adequately carry out national security investigations against these people to determine just how dangerous they are.  The Islamist extremist threat is still using up the lion’s share of officers as it should.  Maybe both agencies need a boost in personnel to deal with this new menace.

One thing is certain: we Canadians have a role to play.  We need to shout these losers down.   Just as the vast, vast majority of Canadian Muslims regularly denounce acts of terrorism committed in the name of Islam so must all Canadians say loudly and unreservedly that these folk do not represent anything but hate.  They are not devoted to our ‘protection’.  Their activities are neither welcome nor tolerated.  We must express our rejection of their bile, as counter demonstrators did in Calgary back in June.

Hate is hate, irrespective of motive, and we have a duty to say we will not stand by and allow it to fester.


By Phil Gurski

Phil Gurski is the President and CEO of Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd. Phil is a 32-year veteran of CSE and CSIS and the author of six books on terrorism.

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