
3D printable guns and terrorism

I was reminded this week how old I am.  I was engaging clients on the issue of 3-D printable guns and whether or not they needed to worry about them for their business line.  In the throes of our back and forth I brought up that famous line from The Graduate, where Dustin Hoffman’s character, […]


Sometimes a mass shooting is just a mass shooting

Before I get into the thesis behind this blog I must state that the title I chose should not be interpreted as dismissiveness over shootings.  Anytime innocent people are killed or wounded by someone with a firearm is tragic.  Not only are lives lost or compromised but the impact on family, friends and communities is […]


3D printable guns and threats to national security

It is never a good idea to get into a debate on the US Constitution’s Second Amendment – the one that talks about the ‘right to bear arms’ – because it is pointless.  Gun advocates seldom have any interest in discussing their God-given freedom to carry a weapon, any weapon including some very powerful automatic […]


An insane suggestion regarding immigration to Canada that undermines security

An edited version of this piece appeared in The Hill Times on July 23, 2018 Is Alex Neve, the secretary-general of Amnesty International Canada insane? Full disclosure: I have been a supporter of Amnesty International and its work for decades.  I admire the positions they adopt and the advocacy they employ in the interests of […]


OK, so I was wrong on incel – to a point

I have always believed it important to own up to an error, especially an error in analysis.  A good analyst is ALWAYS open to learning, to considering new information, and to changing his or her mind in the face of that new info.  A bad analyst sticks to his or her guns irrespective of new […]


The challenge of ‘rehabilitating’ the women and children of IS

We need to take a realistic approach to all this. No, not all returning women and children pose a danger to our societies and not all are inhuman monsters.


The challenge on when to call a serious act of violence terrorism

Sometimes calling an act of serious violence terrorism is really easy.  Like when Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum narrowly escaped a deadly suicide bombing at Kabul airport as he returned home from more than a year in exile in Turkey the other day (Taliban or Islamic State).  Or when Somalia’s al Shabaab says “We first attacked […]


2 cities, 2 attacks, 2 terrorist incidents?: the need to be careful of jumping to conclusions

Whenever we experience a mass shooting event like the one on Danforth Ave in Toronto’s Greektown on Sunday evening we go through several emotions: fear, shock, anger…and a need to understand why.  Why did a man shoot people enjoying a beautiful summer’s night in a part of Hogtown known for its restaurants and ambiance?  Was […]


No, CSIS does not ‘target’ Muslims with no accountabilty

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on July 16, 2018 There are times when you read something that makes your blood boil and demands a response.  One such time occurred to me last week within the pages of this very Hill Times in an op-ed by Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the National Council […]


What just-so stories and terrorist plots often have in common

When I was quite young I came across a very old edition of Rudyard Kipling’s Just-so Stories, written in 1902.  For those not familiar with this book – you really should be – it is a collection of  fantastic accounts of how certain animals acquired their distinctive traits.  Among the tales concocted by Mr. Kipling […]