
The link (or lack thereof) between refugees and terrorism

Remember the ‘refugee crisis’ of  a few summers ago?  We all were riveted by the pictures of hundreds of thousands of desperate Syrians, Iraqis and many others, risking their lives in overland journeys or even more perilous sea voyages, fleeing danger and violence in their homelands to start a new life in Europe.  Some countries […]


Thank God for incompetent terrorists

Yes, there are some very nasty terrorists who are very good at what they do, but there are also many who are only slightly above incompetent.


A tale of two countries and two terrorism levels

We in Canada have longstanding ties to the UK.  We were, after all, part of the British Empire for a over a century and by Confederation a sizeable part of our population had come from the British Isles.  Even well after 1867 immigration was dominated by Irish, Welsh, Scots and English families seeking a new […]


Why do we have anti-terrorism laws if we are not going to use them?

I don’t get it.  We make a big deal of terrorism these days, too big in my opinion, but we have collectively decided that terrorism is a serious threat (which it is) and that we need to deal with it. Part of our response is making sure organisations like CSIS and the RCMP have enough […]


Why we will never ‘eradicate’ terrorism

Scientists have made great progress in eradicating diseases that once maimed or killed millions of people.  Think of smallpox.  Or polio, which a few years ago was on the verge of disappearance though state instability and war have allowed it to cling to life.  The reason why these scourges were defeated (apparently there is a […]


Is RW extremism really a bigger threat than Islamist extremism in the US and Canada? The numbers say no

And so the debate continues on which terrorist movement(s) poses a bigger threat in the West.  Is it really Islamic State and IS-inspired extremists or is this belief a symptom of Islamophobia?  Or is it the collection of hate-filled racists and white supremacists as everyone seems to be saying?  And what about the rise of […]


Why the rise of ‘terrorism’ in Myanmar (Burma) should surprise no one

Before this piece goes any further I need to spell out that I am not a big fan of the use of force unless absolutely necessary (and when necessary it is best to use it wisely while still protecting the lives of the force wielders).  Clearly it is required in some situations but if public […]


Defence Seminar 2017 – Day One – Session One – Mr Phil Gurski

Defence Seminar 2017 – Day One – Session One – Mr. Phil Gurski (President and CEO, Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd)


The cutting edge of terrorism

When most people think about terrorism and terrorists they probably go immediately to explosives, suicide vests, firearms and,  increasingly, the use of cars and vans.  Attacks in which these ‘tools’ are used are ubiquitous and have become a scourge in far too many countries.  Nary a day goes by without news about an incident somewhere […]


The ghost of jihadis past

There is a theory out there that killing terrorists, especially those in leadership positions, acts to put a damper on violent extremism, especially for those not quite committed to the cause.  The idea is that if wannabes see that joining a group leads to being targeted by an airstrike or a drone or special forces […]