Podcast Quick Hits

Why is Israel continuing to condone Jewish terrorism?

Episode 259 – Terrorism is terrorism, and that includes Jewish extremism Setting houses on fire. Uprooting olive groves. Attacking schools. Killing civilians. These are things we have become accustomed to when we talk about jihadis but in this case we are talking about Israeli Jewish settlers in the West Bank. And is something the Israeli […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

You got questions, we got answers!

Season 2 Episode 18 The popular Q&A show is back! The guys talk about the greatest national security threats facing Canada in 2025 and what the heck is a UAP? Thanks to all who sent us their questions and comments. You got questions we got answers! – Spies Like Us | Podcast on Spotify Alternative […]


It Would Be a Mistake to Label Syria an Ex-terrorist Haven Just Yet

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on December 9, 2024. Assad is gone from Syria. Hip hip hooray. Actually, let’s wait a minute before celebrating. Any time a dictator who has abused his nation’s citizens—jailing them, torturing them, and even using chemical weapons against them—is forced to flee has to be a […]


At what price freedom of expression?

You do not have to go that far back in human history to have seen people burned at the stake, hung, drawn and quartered and otherwise treated very badly for having ‘blasphemed’ (although my favourite blasphemy scene is still from Monty Python’s Life of Brian where John Cleese plays a rabbi calling for the death […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

What did Canada’s deployment to Afghanistan mean?

Episode 252 – When the soldiers come home from a foreign deployment, what then? After 9/11 Canada was one of the first nations to send its forces to Afghanistan to find Al Qaeda and help Afghanistan oust the Taliban. Thousands of soldiers deployed and over a decade 159 died (in addition to seven civilians). Canada […]


Protecting National Security Takes More Than Just Adding a Group to the Terrorist List

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on December 3, 2024 In the post 9/11 period, a new tool was made available for the Canadian government in the ill-named “war on terrorism.” It is not as if we had not experienced terrorism before that fateful day (the FLQ crisis in 1970 and the […]


What if there are no (easy) answers to terrorism?

One of the things you notice about kids, especially younger ones, is their proclivity to ask ‘why’. At times, this habit can get a little annoying as the little tots seem to question the reason behind just about everything. As a grandfather of a 3-yr old boy, I can attest to how many ‘whys’ come […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Is New Orleans a harbinger for 2025?

Season 2 Episode 17 In the first episode of 2025 the guys talk about the New Orleans terrorist attack and weigh in on their own concerns for national security and public safety in the coming year. Alternate link

Podcast Quick Hits

What have we learned from the New Orleans attack?

Episode 258 – While every attack is different there are some familiar characteristics here Another vehicular attack, another round of questions on what happened and why. The families of those killed and injured in an ISIS-inspired incident want answers on why this occurred, what was known, and why it was not stopped. Was there anything […]

Podcast Quick Hits

2025 has barely begun and we already have what appears to be an ISIS attack…in the US

Episode 257 – What does a vehicular attack in New Orleans tell us about terrorism on a global scale? New Year’s Eve is supposed to be a happy time, ushering out the old year and welcoming the new. For partygoers and revelers in New Orleans it was anything but. A truck rammed into people after […]