That Canada naively allowed two Chinese scientists linked to the PLA to work at a level-4 bio-lab in Winnipeg is yet another sign of how much national security is ignored
Category: Perspectives
Another week another total domination by Islamist terrorism. This trend line has held up so far in 2024 and is very unlikely to change. It is time to accept facts.
A very lethal week in terrorism, with the ISK attack in Moscow dominating the news. All deaths this week were at the hands of jihadis (RWE: 0)
Why can’t Canada label jihadi terrorism accurately as its allies do? What is it afraid of? No matter what you call it, it is the #1 terrorist threat globally
There were very few terrorist attacks around the world this week with very few fatalities (10). Like every single other attack so far this year, all were Islamist in nature.
The Canadian government’s tendency to label our protectors ‘racist’ is insulting, inaccurate and undermines national security and public safety
What should be an appropriate sentence for treason? In Canada the answer is seven years – or less – apparently
Another week of Islamist attacks in Africa, the Middle East and Asia and, you guessed it, not a single RWE attack – again
While frustrating, we have to allow time for investigations to establish motive for attacks before jumping to conclusions: why don’t politicians get this?
A slow week in terrorism with only six attacks and few mass casualty ones. Again, not a single far right attack anywhere, a trend that is continuing.