Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What to do when QAnon comes to town: a conversation with Peterborough Mayor Diane Therrien

When QAnon conspiracy theorists led by the ‘Queen of Canada’ tried to arrest Peterborough, ON police on August 13 things did not end well for them!

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Does Canada have a coherent policy on East Asia? A chat with Jonathan Berkshire-Miller

Canada does not seem to have a coherent, effective set of ideas on how to deal with China and the threats it poses to our interests.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Working as a journalist in terrorist zones: a conversation with Lynne O’Donnell

Journalists often have to put themselves in danger from violent actors, including terrorists; one reporter’s story from Afghanistan.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

An unlikely source of great analysis on terrorism – a conversation with Lucas Webber

In trying to figure out where to go when it comes credible sources on terrorism today you find good material in the oddest of places.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Taliban true to form in their approach to women’s rights and terrorism in Afghanistan

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan – again! – bodes ill both for regional and international terrorism and for women’s and girls’ rights

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Raffaello Pantucci – What if many are getting the RWE problem wrong?

The accepted narrative in the West these days is that the greatest terrorist threat stems from the far right, no longer jihadis. But does it?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Bruce Hoffman – are we getting better at managing multiple terrorist threats simultaneously?

Terrorism rises from a variety of underlying causes and groups have their highs and lows. But do they ever totally go away – how to deal with them?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Jacob Zenn – Whither the jihad in Nigeria?

Islamist terrorism in Nigeria just goes on and on and on with no end in sight. Borealis talks to Jacob Zenn about just what is happening there

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Neha Wadekar – developments in Mozambique’s jihadi insurgency

Islamist terrorism continues in Mozambique, despite little coverage in the West. Borealis talks to Neha Wadekar on what is happening on the ground

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What really happened during this winter’s Freedom Convoy in Ottawa?

Episode 135 – The Freedom Convoy got a lot of attention in Canada and abroad but what actually happened? Borealis talks to the author of a new book on the event