Most people exhibit signs before they carry out an act of violence (including acts of terrorism). So, whose responsibility is it to act on this info?
Most people exhibit signs before they carry out an act of violence (including acts of terrorism). So, whose responsibility is it to act on this info?
We know a lot about terrorism, its genesis, and its characteristics so why do we pussy foot around the precise use of language?
Why are governments so reluctant to release corroborated, accurate information in the wake of violent attacks when such a move can deflate further violence?
Africa is beset by so many problems and jihadi terrorism may be the foremost of them. What does this mean for them and for us?
Why would African nations embrace a Russian mercenary group in counter-terrorism ops rather than use Western forces?
An alleged jihadi attack on a military chaplain in Ireland possibly tied to ISIS just shows how prevalent this threat is.
Terrorism analysis demands consistency and accuracy across the board: this entails the need to talk about Jewish terrorism in Israel
The litany of illegal and underhanded actions by the PRC in Canada is legion and there is little sign the government takes any of it seriously
The rise in pro-Palestinian demos has skirted the anti-Semitism line: has it crossed into terrorist activity?
Allegations that three teens planned to target a Taylor Swift event for ISIS should surprise no one and serve to show jihadis are still the #1 threat