Quick Hits

Political correctness and national security are like oil and water

In making decisions on national security and threats we cannot afford to get bogged down in useless debates about language and fear of ‘offending’ people.

Quick Hits

The age of ‘cafeteria’ terrorism?

We seem to be going through a transition in the world of terrorism where some actors select a potpourri of causes to justify violence.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The October 2023 Hamas attack, Israel’s response and international implications for terrorism

The Hamas attack on Gaza and Israel’s response is raising the terrorism threat not only in the region but worldwide

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Can governments act effectively on national security issues in an era of social media?

Running a nation is complex enough without having ever-changing information (as well as dis- and misinformation) to deal with. Are governments able to do so effectively?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why doesn’t Canada have a foreign intelligence service?

In a world where everyone is spying on everyone else you would think that having a trained, competent foreign intelligence agency is a given – not in Canada

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is Sweden becoming unsafe?

Sweden’s reputation as a safe country of blond, fit people has been taking a hit of late: what is going on?

Quick Hits

What is behind the rise in Islamist terrorist level over the holiday season?

Jihadis who plan attacks over the holiday season clearly have missed the message behind Christmas. Bah humbug!

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is it like to be part of a community jihadis seek to ‘eliminate’?

Some in Canada think that those who joined ISIS are ‘victims’ who need to be ‘rescued’. How do real victims, i.e. Yazidis, feel about this?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why are so many faithful killing in the name of ‘god’?

We have been led to believe that religion is a good thing: so why do so many use it to justify acts of terrorist violence?


How much ‘right’ does the public have to know?

Are there occasions when less, rather than more, information is a better way to manage reactions to violence in our societies?