
Who decides what is a serious national security threat: intelligence professionals or bureaucrats?

When a senior intelligence official appears to do a 180 to satisfy government views on how to interpret threat it is a sad day for national security professionals.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits Episode 206: when woke culture makes national security impossible

Woke and cancel culture are gaining ground on many fronts and may in fact be having a serious effect on our ability to ensure national security and public safety.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are incels really a threat to national security?

Episode 128 – Borealis chats once again with the world’s premiere authority on these people, the Incel Project founder Naama Kates


Terrorism is a matter of public safety, not national security

There are national security and public safety threats: terrorism is most usually one of the latter, not the former.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Brad West – The role of municipalities in national security

Episode 116 – Phil talks with Port Coquitlam (BC) Mayor Brad West about Chinese interference and influence peddling in Canada and other issues

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Borealis joins Counterpoints for a wide-ranging discussion on terrorism and national security

Episode 109 – How is the ‘war on terrorism’ going? What are we doing well? Not well?

Quick Hits

Should academics tell national security professionals how to do their jobs?

Quick Hits 173 – Is there no better way to manage this relationship?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Minke Meijnders – What role does strategic foresight play in national security?

Episode 101 – Phil Gurski chats with Minke Meijnders, instructor at the University of Ottawa’s Security, Economics and Technology program.

Where to find terrorism and national security related news

As promised, here is the list of websites I use for my daily morning news scan: There are a lot of sources of information available on all kinds of topics. If you want to stay abreast of what is happening from a national security/public safety angle you need to invest time and effort to find […]


What will Canada’s national security and public safety challenges be in 2021?

In the absence of a crystal ball we can still list some of the national security and public safety challenges we may face in 2021.