Woke and political correctness cultures prevent us from talking honestly about the single greatest terrorism threat globally: that carried out by jihadis
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The world has always been a dangerous place but is it becoming more dangerous, even more so than during the Cold War?
What do we do with a UN refugee agency that appears to be in cahoots with a jihadi organisation?
It is often painful to wait for more information to come in before making up one’s mind, but when it comes to terrorism it is crucial to do so
Does the UK know something of the terrorist threat to Canada that we don’t? If so, I hope we find out!
Nations cannot be permitted to send ‘hit squads’ to other nations to kill dissidents: is India part of this club?
Intelligence agencies work hard to get the best information possible for their clients and would appreciate having their sources not outed
Trudeau the father and Trudeau the son could not have been more different when it comes to dealing with national security threats to Canada
A Lot of Hot Air Coming From China
We all know that China is becoming more aggressive on the international stage, and not to our benefit. So what happens when we point out this aggression?
Terrorism chicken littles have a lot to answer for when their predictions of waves of violence do not come to pass, as in the case of RWE.