
Is Canada seething with violent rightwing extremism and Islamophobia?

A lot of people  in Canada, particularly Muslims and even more narrowly Muslims in Quebec, are frightened today.  The massacre at the Islamic Cultural Centre in the provincial capital of la belle province has many worried about their safety and mosques across the country are upping security and receiving special attention from local law enforcement. […]


Why wasn’t Alexandre Bissonnette being monitored? Another “intelligence failure”?

Here we go again. The fact that Alexandre Bissonnette was able to get a gun, walk into a mosque, slaughter innocent people and not be detected is a failure. On whom? On everyone – CSIS, the RCMP, la police de la ville de Quebec, the Surete, the government of Canada, average Canadians for not standing […]


Should the attack on the Quebec City mosque have been prevented?

In the wake of the tragic events in Quebec City Sunday evening there is much more that we don’t know than what we do know. We now know the identity of the one suspect as well as those who lost their lives.  We have some idea of what transpired and when.  But we have nothing […]


What constitutes an attack as an ‘act of terrorism?’ | Your Morning

Phil Gurski, former CSIS analyst, discusses with Ben Mulroney about what is known of the suspect so far, and why this hasn’t been called an act of terrorism yet.


Should intelligence be used in court cases?

There has been an interesting development in a terrorist court case in Ottawa.  The lawyers for Awso Peshdary, accused of being a terrorism financier and recruiter, have argued that in order to defend their client properly they need all the information that the national spy service, CSIS, has collected on him.  Complicating matters somewhat (but […]


Who should we include as partners in CVE?

Last week news came out that two grassroots organisations in Minneapolis had received between them over $600,000 to do CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) work in the state of Minnesota, as part of a $10 million disbursement by the US Department of Homeland Security in what has been called an ongoing, but controversial, programme.  Minneapolis is […]


When fake news makes us less safe

Think what you want about fake news, or “alternative facts” as they are now known, but I think we can all agree that this is not a good development.  People can definitely disagree on what facts mean and what their implications are, but it is simply wrong and indefensible to say that something is X […]


Are there guarantees in counter terrorism?

Lawyers don’t get a good rap most of the time.  After all, wasn’t it Shakespeare who wrote in Henry VI, Part 2 “the first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”.  A tad harsh that. I’m not sure what it is exactly that elicits such anger and fury when it comes to lawyers.  Is […]


Should we “ban” Salafism?

What causes terrorism?  Lots of things, and that is why it is so hard to stop.  We can identify, and have identified, the behaviours and attitudes that terrorists engage in, but we are very far from coming up with a hard and fast list of the why and the who and, frankly speaking, I am […]


How powerful should security intelligence agencies be?

Germany has spent a long time apologising for the actions and crimes of the Nazi regime.  Not to mention the price it paid during the Versailles conference in 1919 for its decision to launch WWI (and in that case the price exacted by the victors played a big part in laying the conditions for WWII). […]