Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is it like to work at the pointy end of counter-terrorism?

In a world of so many who see themselves as terrorism ‘experts’ we really should listen to those who have pointy end of the stick experience

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canadian Intelligence Eh! A journalist’s perspective on terrorism

Spies, cops and soldiers are not the only ones concerned with terrorism – journalists are important actors too. A conversation with the UK’s Tam Hussein

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canadian Intelligence Eh! The terrorist threat to Morocco

Just how dangerous is the current terrorist threat to Morocco? A conversation with American University in Kuwait’s El Yasmine Hasnaoui.


When democracies embrace terrorists

Several leaders of democracies are stooping to include terrorists and violent extremist groups in their administrations: this ain’t good.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canadian Intelligence Eh! podcast – what happened in Benghazi, Libya in 2012?

A variety of terrorists killed four people, including the US ambassador to Libya, in September 2012: why has this case not been solved?


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW): October 31 – November 6

Once again, jihadis were responsible for every single terrorist attack in the world during the week of October 31-November 6, 2022


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – October 24-30, 2022

Islamist terrorists once again carried out the lion’s share of attacks around the world, a trend which shows no signs of ebbing.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – October 17-23, 2022

Jihadist attacks again dominated global terrorism from October 17-23; nary a right-wing attack anywhere (again)


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – October 10-16, 2022

Thought of the week – Enough with the ‘war on terrorism’! Humans have a nasty tendency to declare war on things. Drugs. Poverty. Teenage pregnancy. The list goes on and on and on… And, lest we forget, the War on Terrorism that came into vogue after 9/11. Except that, unlike the war on poverty, say, […]

Quick Hits

Constantly citing ‘colonialism’ does not make counter terrorism any easier

Too many nations use the spectre of ‘colonialism’ to cover up their ineptitude in many spheres, including countering jihadi terrorism