If I have said it once, I have said it many times: it is best to wait for information to come in before issuing “definitive”analyses of what has just happened. The tragic attack in Nice may be over but it is far too soon to give in to speculation about who was responsible and why […]
Search: “Iraq”
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CVE Canadian style
The last few years have seen an incredible spike in the creation and deployment of Countering Violent Extremism (or CVE) programmes around the world. Although the meaning of the term is still developing, CVE generally is used to cover any effort that aims at stopping violent extremism (or radicalisation) from beginning or undo it once […]
In the run-up to the British referendum on whether to stay in the European Union or not there were many dire predictions on how a leave vote would effect the United Kingdom. We are already seeing significant economic fallout and the weeks and months to follow will likely bring more negative consequences in the political […]
When we write and talk about foreign fighters we are normally referring to the phenomenon of outsiders who travel to engage in combat in a land that is not theirs. More specifically, at least these days, we are focused on those joining up with terrorist groups like Islamic State and Jabhat al Nusra which are […]
The Mohammed El Shaer I met
Another Canadian has been arrested on a terrorism peace bond. Mohammed El Shaer, a 28-year old resident of Windsor, Ontario and a business graduate, had served time for falsifying information on a Citizenship and Immigration form that he filled out while in Turkey but was released only to be re-held on terrorism allegations. It is […]
There is little doubt that Islamic State is under tremendous pressure in Iraq and Syria. Kinetic action carried out by airstrikes and ground forces have whittled away at the group and and the same time the group’s sources of financing are being targeted. The size of its so-called “Caliphate” is smaller than it was and […]
We are getting all too used to this. A man (usually, but very occasionally a woman) walks into a theatre/school/office/restaurant with a weapon that has no place other than a war zone and kills dozens. Sandy Hook. Aurora. Columbine High School. San Bernardino. Now Orlando. More mass shootings in the US than there were days […]
Bangladesh and the pit of violence
Bangladesh is a country born in the paroxysms of violence 45 years ago and one that is teetering on the abyss of more bloodshed day by day. As the country finally deals with the massacre of thousands in the early days of independence through the trials and, in some cases, executions of the perpetrators of […]
The Canadians of ISIS
Over the past few years we have been informed that a significant number of Canadians – probably close to a 100 according to the latest data (i.e. the CSIS Director) – have decided to travel to Syria/Iraq and join terrorist groups such as Islamic State and, to a lesser extent, the Al Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al […]
One of the most central tenets of the ideology that drives terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, Islamic State, Boko Haram and others is the belief that Islam and the West are in a state of war. This war, they maintain, was not instigated from within or by the Ummah, or Islamic world, but rather is […]