
Call it what it is – extremism

Muslims complain constantly that their faith is always – and unjustifiably – associated with terrorism.  Many people believe that Islam is inextricably linked to violence and right wing demagogues like the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders have called the Quran an inspiration for intolerance, murder and terror. Look, we have to acknowledge that the vast majority of terrorist attacks […]


Can we expect counter terrorism perfection?

In baseball, a batter that achieves a .300 average (i.e. 3 hits in every 10 tries) is considered a success.  A goaltender with a save percentage of over .900 (meaning he saves nine out of every ten shots he faced) is considered good.  Other professions undoubtedly have their own measures of success. So why is […]


The true threat

Now that everyone and his uncle has had a chance to comment on the nuclear accord reached with Iran, it’s my turn. (Full disclosure: I was an Iranian analyst in the Canadian intelligence community for twenty years and was even fluent in Farsi at one point – alas no more!) There is no question Iran […]


Anyone can do it

As US officials and others struggle to understand why Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez shot and killed five Marines in Tennessee before he himself was shot to death by police, we are left with the usual potential suspects.  He had mental issues (depression).  His father was a radical (he was once on a US terrorist watch list). […]


Oh the places they’ll go!

When most people think about terrorism, they probably have some pre-set notions of what it looks like.  Terrorists are from disadvantaged backgrounds.  They are marginalised.  They have mental health issues.  They are inherently violent people. All these preconceptions are wrong.  Or at least they are not very good at predicting who becomes a terrorist and […]


When will Turkey learn?

Further to my earlier post on when Egypt would learn from its historic mistakes in dealing with terrorism and violence, I now turn my attention to Turkey.  According to news sources, the Turkish government may invade along a 70-mile stretch of its border with Syria to establish a 20-mile buffer zone (see article here) Given […]


When will Egypt learn?

Tackling terrorism is not easy.  There are a lot of tools, some soft and some hard and some in between.  Relying on any one in particular is unlikely to work. For the record, I am not soft on terrorism or terrorists.  When our government agencies identify individuals who subscribe to a violent ideology and who […]


Where’s the beef?

Religion can be a wonderful thing.  It is a source of comfort and meaning for billions and can inspire people to the loftiest heights. And it can be used to impose the worst human impulses. I came across this story in Sunday’s New York Times (see full story here).  The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) – a […]


War, what is it good for? – part 2

Remember John Kerry?  He’s the guy who ran against George W. Bush in the 2004 Presidential election.  Like most campaigns, this one had its controversies – like Swift Boat –  perhaps none greater than when Kerry said that the US had to get to a point where terrorism was not the primary focus of society […]


By the numbers

It must appear to most people in Canada that terrorism is a daily scourge.  If you take a global snapshot that is undeniably true.  Over the last few weeks we have seen attacks in France, Tunisia, Kuwait, Yemen and the inevitable – and sadly too frequent – violence in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. And […]