
Elections and security: how safe are we?

As we near the end of a very long federal election campaign, I’d like to review what, if anything, has been said that touches on terrorism and national security  Spoiler alert: not much.  But a lot that has nothing to do with terrorism may actually have a significant impact on how safe we will be […]

Quick Hits

Canada’s immigration system is broken when it comes to public safety and the government could not care less

When artificial immigration goals are seen as a priority and national security/public safety are ignored something is badly wrong

Quick Hits

Why it is best to be skeptical about terrorist groups’ demise

Many naively believe that terrorist groups a la Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc. eventually disappear: the reality is they are long lasting threats to national security and public safety

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is cryptanalysis all but dead?

Making and breaking codes is classic spycraft. Are the bad guys winning at this game and what are the implications for national security?


Emergencies Act Fallout: Rule of Law Must Mean Something in Canada

Governments in liberal, secular democracies cannot run roughshod over fundamental rights and the law, even where national security is involved.


Emergencies Act ruling should be a stern lesson to government about free speech

Laws are on the books for a reason and should not be abused, especially when it comes to national security


When it comes to the Trudeaus and intelligence activities, like father do unlike son

Trudeau the father and Trudeau the son could not have been more different when it comes to dealing with national security threats to Canada

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Threats have a nasty tendency not to go away

Do we threats ever really go away? If not, are we dealing with these in appropriate ways at the national security level?

Quick Hits

Canadian government inattention to intelligence dates back to the Gouzenko affair

Why is it that a series of Canadian governments is incapable to take what their intelligence agencies tell them about national security threats?


Has Israel joined the ‘terrorist state’ list?

If Israel can have a terrorist as its national security minister does this make it a ‘terrorist state’? Hmmm, an interesting question.