Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Can governments act effectively on national security issues in an era of social media?

Running a nation is complex enough without having ever-changing information (as well as dis- and misinformation) to deal with. Are governments able to do so effectively?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is it like to be a national security advisor?

Busy people need help understanding the torrent of information sent to them, including intelligence. That is where a national security advisor comes in.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

National security and the world of fiction: a fascinating juxtaposition

The nexus between the national security world and that of fiction (movies and books) is an interesting one – what are the challenges?

Quick Hits

What happens when the national security ‘experts’ are wrong?

National security ‘expertise’ is woefully inaccurate and inadequate and is in need of examination – we must put these experts to the test.


Who decides what is a serious national security threat: intelligence professionals or bureaucrats?

When a senior intelligence official appears to do a 180 to satisfy government views on how to interpret threat it is a sad day for national security professionals.

Quick Hits

Quick Hits Episode 206: when woke culture makes national security impossible

Woke and cancel culture are gaining ground on many fronts and may in fact be having a serious effect on our ability to ensure national security and public safety.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are incels really a threat to national security?

Episode 128 – Borealis chats once again with the world’s premiere authority on these people, the Incel Project founder Naama Kates


Terrorism is a matter of public safety, not national security

There are national security and public safety threats: terrorism is most usually one of the latter, not the former.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Brad West – The role of municipalities in national security

Episode 116 – Phil talks with Port Coquitlam (BC) Mayor Brad West about Chinese interference and influence peddling in Canada and other issues

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Borealis joins Counterpoints for a wide-ranging discussion on terrorism and national security

Episode 109 – How is the ‘war on terrorism’ going? What are we doing well? Not well?