Bringing in (former) terrorists to run nations is generally a very bad idea: terrorist groups are not even remotely qualified to do so.
When terrorists become rulers

Bringing in (former) terrorists to run nations is generally a very bad idea: terrorist groups are not even remotely qualified to do so.
On November 12, 2008 a USAID contractor was killed along with his driver in an Islamist terrorist attack in Peshawar.
On November 11, 1994 a suicide bomber killed three Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near the former Israeli settlement of Netzarim in the Gaza Strip
On November 10, 2015 two Palestinians aged 10 and 14 stabbed and wounded an Israeli guard on the Jerusalem light rail system
On November 9, 2018 Al Shabaab carried out a series of car bombs in Mogadishu which killed at least 20 people.
On November 8, 2016 ISIS massacred more than 300 people in the town of Hammam al Alil, just outside of the Iraqi city of Mosul
On November 7, 2018 a Philippines human rights lawyer and activist was shot dead by unknown extremists on motorcycles in Kabankalan City.
On November 6, 2015 a young man killed one member of the Ansar enforcement body and wounded three others at Dhaka’s airport
Life sentences for terrorism are appropriate. Why does the Canadian justice system fail to appreciate this very simple concept?
On November 5, 1990 Jewish extremist Meir Kahane was killed by an Islamist terrorist in New York City.