It is no secret that there is consensus on what terrorism means. Today the confusion is growing as more and more crimes are being called ‘terrorism’ in nature. What does this all mean? UK researcher and former PREVENT officer Liam Duffy joins Borealis in the discussion.
About my guest Liam Duffy:
Liam is a Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) specialist and Director of SINCE 9/11, a London-based educational charity which aims to create a legacy of hope from the tragedy of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Liam and Tom joined forces and formed the Programme for Prevention and Counter-Terrorism to ensure that local authorities, businesses, schools and community groups had access to the best support available to prevent radicalisation and respond to the risk of terrorism.
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Listen to my podcast
An Intelligent Look at Terrorism
In this podcast, retired Canadian intelligence analyst Phil Gurski discusses the subject of terrorism: what it is (and isn’t), trends, developments and more. Phil is not shy to wade into controversial matters and provide his perspective honed from more than three decades in intelligence.