
When you make the wrong assumptions you make the wrong decisions

Sometimes you read something in the news that leaves you shaking your head.  Here is an example. The government of Nepal has banned pornography – again – in order to, wait for it, ban rape.  To this end,  it has added harsh fines or prison sentences for internet service providers who refuse to comply with the […]


The beginning of the end of malicious Wahhabi influence in Islam? Inshallah!

Well, the Saudis may have really put their foot in it this time.  The mystery surrounding the disappearance of vocal Saudi critic and journalist Jamal Kashoggi at the Kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul ten days ago is deepening.  Saudi claims that he left of his own accord are laughable: his fiancee was waiting for him outside […]


What should Canada do with ‘Abu Turaab’ (IS foreign fighter)?

The stories of so-called ‘foreign fighters’ – outsiders who left their homelands to hook up with terrorist groups like Islamic State (IS), Al Qaeda (AQ) and others – are a dime a dozen.  Literally.  As estimates range up to 40,000 who joined IS alone over the past five years or so, one can be excused […]


Are the Saudis pulling a fast one on the world? Yep

Do you know the old saying “Fool me once, shame on  you.  Fool me twice, shame on me”?  It refers to the notion that we may be hoodwinked by an unscrupulous character once for no fault of our own (aside from having a poor judge of character perhaps), but if we have the wool pulled […]


Terrorists are not lonely, even in wolf form, and neither are counter terrorism practitioners

As a former practitioner in the security intelligence world I have, as do many others, a distinct bias. My understanding of many different social phenomena is informed and framed by the job I did and the particular kind of information I had access to for more than three decades: i.e. classified secrets.  In light of […]


No, Al Qaeda never went away

Ready for a “where were you when…?”  question?  I launched my first book last week in Ottawa and my host, the CBC’s Hannah Thibedeau, asked me what my favourite part of ‘An end to the war on terrorism‘ was.  She had warned me she was going to throw that one at me so I had […]


The balance between countering terrorism and free speech

This post appeared in The Hill Times on October 1, 2018. In 1964 US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart came up with a now famous comment that has become a meme (not there were memes back in 1964).   During a threshold case on obscenity he stated “I shall not today attempt further to define the […]


How to determine terrorist threat levels

On November 13, 2015 I was in France, Paris to be precise.  If that date reminds you of something, let me refresh your memory.  That was of course  the day – or more accurately the evening – when a group of Islamist terrorists struck in the core of the country’s capital, attacking the national sports […]


What role should the military have in the ‘war on terrorism’?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on September 24, 2018. We are now in year 17 of the ‘war on terrorism’.  After the catastrophic terrorist attacks on the US on September 11, 2001 the US, and many of its allies, declared war on violent extremism.  The initial effort to locate and punish the perpetrators […]


Some airstrikes should be labelled war crimes

I am trying very hard not to sound like a broken record (maybe it is time to update that analogy: like a CD that skips – or does no one besides me listen to CDs anymore?) but a recent news item has me very angry and makes me have to talk – once again – […]