It is not uncommon for inaccurate information to be held as accepted wisdom where no amount of data will convince people otherwise. Examples of this would include the conviction that crime rates are soaring (they have actually been plummeting for years) or that e-cigarettes are ok (there is no data yet suggesting that they are […]
Author: Phil Gurski
Phil Gurski is the President and CEO of Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd. Phil is a 32-year veteran of CSE and CSIS and the author of six books on terrorism.
Inspired yet?
The multiple attacks today (June 26) have led to a burst of condemnation and outrage – as they should. The vast majority of people – Muslim and non-Muslim – have rightly protested against this barbarity. And we will surely see more demonstrations in the days to come as more and more people are inspired to […]
Now what do we do?
This has been a very, very disturbing day. An attack – including a decapitation – in France. Tourists slaughtered in Tunisia. Shia Muslims killed by a suicide bomber at their mosque. After prayers. This evokes the senselessness of the massacre last week in Charleston, South Carolina. I’ve always advocated keeping things in perspective and […]
Just sick
Intelligence agencies can get quite creative when developing ways to collect information. But sometimes they get too creative that lead to more problems. Not to mention endangering thousands of lives – innocent lives. Take the case of Shakil Afridi, a Pakistani doctor in jail for his involvement in the terrorist group Laskhar-e-Islam. What is far […]
The Evolving Threat of Terrorism
Watch Satyamoorthy Kabilan and Phil Gurski discuss the anniversary of the Air India bombing and lessons learned to help fight terrorism in Canada.
Believe you me
On one level, it amazes me how open people are with their hateful ideology. Part of me thinks that supporters or fans of extremism would be a little more careful in displaying their beliefs given society’s opprobrium and the fact that, at least in today’s Canada, their activities could cross the criminal threshold. Take the […]
Simply dotty
Today marks the 30th anniversary of the terrorist attack against Air India flight 182 which fell into the sea off the coast of Ireland, taking with it 329 lives, the vast majority of them Canadians. Many fail to recognise that the bombing was the largest single terrorist attack prior to 9/11. So as we remember […]
War, what is it good for?
Sometimes you come across a quote that really strikes you as profound. Here’s one that remains relevant after all these years. It comes from a 2002 issue of Foreign Affairs and was penned by Paris-based researcher Grenville Buford: “Wars have typically been fought against proper nouns (Germany, say) for the good reason that proper nouns […]
State the obvious
Further to my previous blog on when to call something terrorism, there has been an ongoing debate on what to call the Islamic State (or as it is also known, ISIL or ISIS or DAESH or…). A recent op-ed in the English edition of Asharq Alawsat (see it here) calls on us to stop calling […]
Removing the label
In the wake of the horrific killings at an African American church in South Carolina, the old argument was again raised: was this an act of terrorism? Many criticised the media and government for hesitating to use the term and some concluded that terrorism only seemed to apply when the perpetrators were Muslim and not white. […]