Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Are we defining terrorism too narrowly…or too broadly?

Episode 259 – Has terrorism as a concept run its course? Of all the UK counter-terrorism initiatives, the ‘early detection’ efforts (known as PREVENT and Channel) have been quite controversial. One of the problems lies with how we define terrorism and thus what the public should do to help authorities stop terrorist acts from occurring. […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Valentine’s validation

Spies Like Us – Season 2 Episode 23 The guys talk about what to do with ISIS returnees, the challenges of recruiting human sources with, shall we say, sketchy backgrounds, and show how Nancy Drew steals a page from Monty Python’s “trying hard not to be seen”. Terrorism charges for B.C. woman who left to […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Is Canada serious about Arctic security in the face of Chinese and Russian threats?

Episode 258 – Canada needs to step up its far north game We in the Great White North proudly describe ourselves as an “Arctic” nation. In truth, we have a large portion of that part of the globe, which is lightly inhabited, but is increasingly becoming strategic in the face of global warming. Most Canadians, […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Canada-US security relations just got B-Czar!

Season 2 Episode 22 This week the guys talk about the latest brain fart to come from the US on joint border security, Al comes up with a complicated jurisdiction story which he worked on very hard and yes, it is again time for Poetry by Phil. Alternate link

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Why don’t most ‘radicals’ go on to commit terrorism?

Episode 257 – How to tell non-violent ‘radicals’ from the violent ones The field of ‘radicalisation’ studies has been growing quickly, especially since 9/11. Practitioners and academics have seen this process as a precursor to the actual execution of acts of terrorism. But most of those who radicalise never move on to action? Why not? […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Hogus Pocus…Bogus

Season 2 Episode 21 The guys are joined by investigative journalist Sam Cooper to dissect the recently released Hogue report on foreign interference in Canada. Suffice to say they ain’t impressed and suspect, like the Hardy Boys, that there is much left unsaid. Alternate link

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

The terrorists’ who’s who in Africa

Episode 256 – Why is Africa rife with jihadi groups? Last year the Global Terrorism Index for the first time put an African nation, Burkina Faso, at the top of its list of terrorist attacks. A phenomenon most associate with the Middle East (and West Asia: think Pakistan and Afghanistan) is now increasingly dominated by […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Putting the terrorism cartel before the horse?

Spies Like Us – Season 2 Episode 20 The guys muse about the US decision to list Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organisations, whether politicians are too timid in labeling terrorist acts as terrorism and what Nancy Drew teaches us about confusion. Alternative link

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Can terrorists also be guilty of war crimes?

Episode 255 – Are ISIS terrorists also engaged in what are known as war crimes? War is part of human history alas. Our penchant for killing one another goes back millennia and, as current events demonstrate (Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan…), it shows no signs of ebbing. Terrorism, on the other hand, is a much more recent […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Russia is ‘Putin’ the boots to the West

Spies Like Us Season 2 Episode 19 – Fools Russian in… The guys delve into Russian antagonistic moves in the West, the abuse of Canada’s student visa programme, and encourage Marc Garneau to run for Prime Minister Alternate link.