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Canada’s immigration system is broken when it comes to public safety and the government could not care less

When artificial immigration goals are seen as a priority and national security/public safety are ignored something is badly wrong

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Why accurate language is important in counter-terrorism

We know a lot about terrorism, its genesis, and its characteristics so why do we pussy foot around the precise use of language?

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States have a duty to battle disinformation when it comes to acts of violence

Why are governments so reluctant to release corroborated, accurate information in the wake of violent attacks when such a move can deflate further violence?

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An alleged jihadi attack in Ireand? Faith and begorrah!

An alleged jihadi attack on a military chaplain in Ireland possibly tied to ISIS just shows how prevalent this threat is.

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We all need to condemn Jewish terrorism as we do jihadism

Terrorism analysis demands consistency and accuracy across the board: this entails the need to talk about Jewish terrorism in Israel

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Why would ISIS target a Taylor Swift concert? Coz they’re ISIS, that’s why

Allegations that three teens planned to target a Taylor Swift event for ISIS should surprise no one and serve to show jihadis are still the #1 threat

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Post violence info vacuums invite dangerous speculation

Authorities need to take more action in the aftermath of violent acts in releasing info to help prevent uniformed and violent reaction

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Why it is best to be skeptical about terrorist groups’ demise

Many naively believe that terrorist groups a la Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc. eventually disappear: the reality is they are long lasting threats to national security and public safety

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On a day to commemorate victims of terrorism Canada is failing badly

It is frightening that with all indicators blinking red on a probable jihadi attack in the offing the Canadian government does not understand the threat

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The Moscow attack bears the signature of jihadis…so far

While it is always a good strategy to wait for more confirmation when it comes to terrorism, we can make initial assessments based on what we know.