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Why the recent arrests of Hamas terrorists in Germany matter

The war in Gaza has heightened calls among jihadi groups for terrorist attacks in the West and particularly against Jews. What does all this mean?

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It is high time we stop saying jihadi terrorism has waned

The belief by some that a particular form of international terrorism, i.e. jihadi violent extremism, is on the wane or no longer important is most definitely wrong.

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Spying is not for amateurs

A decision to collect intelligence from human sources abroad on security matters needs to be carefully thought out and not done flippantly

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Is ISIS the new ‘role model’ for Islamist terrorism?

The Hamas terrorist attack on Israel is bad enough: what does it mean that some of the attackers unfurled an ISIS flag on Israeli territory?

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Yes there is something called left-wing terrorism – get it right!

Left-wing terrorism is on the rise in many countries but no one seems to want to talk about it – why not?

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Is it ever ok to make fun of terrorism?

Is laughing at terrorists an insult to the victims or is it a good strategy to pursue and acceptable?

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How believable are claims of success against terrorism?

Governments make truly impressive claims in their counterterrorism campaigns, but can these numbers be trusted?

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When book burnings lead to terrorism

When freedom of speech and expression intersects with the burning of holy books there is a connection to terrorism threats

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Why it is important to call terrorism what it is

When it comes to terrorism, how much does the public deserve to know? More than you might think!

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How long can terrorist threats last?

Terrorists seem to have long memories: they can target people that piss them off for an extended period of time