Quick Hits

Can the word of a terrorist group be taken at face value?

When trying to decide what information to rely upon in the aftermath of terrorist attacks the word of terrorists themselves should be ignored.

Quick Hits

Why do some countries not suffer from terrorist attacks?

While terrorism, largely of the Islamist variety, is global, some nations do not appear to suffer from it as much – why?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why doesn’t Canada have a foreign intelligence service?

In a world where everyone is spying on everyone else you would think that having a trained, competent foreign intelligence agency is a given – not in Canada

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why does Canada keep giving millions to alleged jihadis?

It is one thing to recognise when injustices are done and those wrongly accused should be compensated. But millions to those who publicly express extremism?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is Sweden becoming unsafe?

Sweden’s reputation as a safe country of blond, fit people has been taking a hit of late: what is going on?

Quick Hits

What is behind the rise in Islamist terrorist level over the holiday season?

Jihadis who plan attacks over the holiday season clearly have missed the message behind Christmas. Bah humbug!

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is it like to be part of a community jihadis seek to ‘eliminate’?

Some in Canada think that those who joined ISIS are ‘victims’ who need to be ‘rescued’. How do real victims, i.e. Yazidis, feel about this?

Quick Hits

No, Islamist radicalisation is NOT new!

The phenomenon of radicalisation has been looked at in detail by security intelligence services and law enforcement agencies: it is not new.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why are so many faithful killing in the name of ‘god’?

We have been led to believe that religion is a good thing: so why do so many use it to justify acts of terrorist violence?

Quick Hits

Why the recent arrests of Hamas terrorists in Germany matter

The war in Gaza has heightened calls among jihadi groups for terrorist attacks in the West and particularly against Jews. What does all this mean?