Jihadis are misogynist at the best of times but the Taliban take the cake. How are Afghan women coping with these extremists back in power?
Category: Podcast
Making and breaking codes is classic spycraft. Are the bad guys winning at this game and what are the implications for national security?
While it is always a good strategy to wait for more confirmation when it comes to terrorism, we can make initial assessments based on what we know.
How can your country protect itself from threats to its nation if your leader does not believe it is a nation?
Western female jihadis have become a bit of a ‘soupe du jour’ of late in the media. How are we doing at prosecuting them for their crimes?
Governments have an unfortunate habit of declaring terrorist groups ‘defeated’ when that is not at all true: ISIS is a good example
China has been getting away with illegal activities in Canada for years: what will it take the Canadian government to act?
Policing in the West has taken quite a few hits of late. Does it need rethinking? Maybe we should hear what a former police commissioner has to say
You would think that a government would list terrorist groups for specific reasons (prosecution among them). Is it as easy as all that?
Afghanistan is now again under the medieval reign of the Taliban: what does this mean for the country and the region?