Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is cryptanalysis all but dead?

Making and breaking codes is classic spycraft. Are the bad guys winning at this game and what are the implications for national security?


Canadian Government Whistling Past the Jihadi Graveyard

Why can’t Canada label jihadi terrorism accurately as its allies do? What is it afraid of? No matter what you call it, it is the #1 terrorist threat globally

Quick Hits

The Moscow attack bears the signature of jihadis…so far

While it is always a good strategy to wait for more confirmation when it comes to terrorism, we can make initial assessments based on what we know.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

If Canada is a ‘post-national state’ is there room for national security?

How can your country protect itself from threats to its nation if your leader does not believe it is a nation?


Playing the ‘Racism Card’ Undermines National Security

The Canadian government’s tendency to label our protectors ‘racist’ is insulting, inaccurate and undermines national security and public safety

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Just how bad is PRC interference in Canada? Really bad!

China has been getting away with illegal activities in Canada for years: what will it take the Canadian government to act?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is there a problem with policing in Canada?

Policing in the West has taken quite a few hits of late. Does it need rethinking? Maybe we should hear what a former police commissioner has to say

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is Hizb-ut-Tahrir and why did the UK list it as a terrorist organisation?

You would think that a government would list terrorist groups for specific reasons (prosecution among them). Is it as easy as all that?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Afghanistan under the Taliban (again!): what are our concerns?

Afghanistan is now again under the medieval reign of the Taliban: what does this mean for the country and the region?


Emergencies Act Fallout: Rule of Law Must Mean Something in Canada

Governments in liberal, secular democracies cannot run roughshod over fundamental rights and the law, even where national security is involved.