Podcast Quick Hits

Abdelmalek Droukdel: How important is the death of a terrorist group’s leader?

The French military claims it has killed Abdelmalek Droukdel, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist affiliate AQIM in North Africa. How important is the death of a terrorist group’s leader?


120 killed by suicide bomber at Unity Day parade in Yemen (May 21, 2012)

An AQAP suicide bomber dressed as a soldier killed more than 120, mostly soldiers, and wounded more than 350 at a Unity Day parade in Sana’a in 2012.


January 16, 2013 | In Amenas gas plant terrorist attack, Algeria

Three young men from a non-descript southern Ontario city ended up fighting for AQ in Africa. What are the chances of that happening?


Terrorism by the numbers

Whenever a new year kicks in we always cast a Janus-like glance back to the previous one to get an idea of what we just went through and, hopefully, gain some insight into what we are in for in the coming 12 months.  By all accounts 2016 was not a great year on several fronts, […]


Mark Twain and the premature death of terrorism revisited

A lot of people and a lot of governments are getting tired of the so-called “War on Terrorism”.  More and more attacks seem to be happening all the time.  What we used to think was a problem “over there” is now “over here”: Brussels, Paris, San Bernardino, Ottawa…  We cannot seem to get away from […]


The fallout from airstrikes

I have said it before and I will repeat it here: I am not an expert in military affairs.  Hell, I am not even a well-informed John Q Public when it comes to things military.  When I talk about the military I am bound to sound dumb. So, here it goes: my take on why […]