Canadian Intelligence Eh!

If Canada is a ‘post-national state’ is there room for national security?

How can your country protect itself from threats to its nation if your leader does not believe it is a nation?


How NOT to Win Friends and Influence People

What do we do with a UN refugee agency that appears to be in cahoots with a jihadi organisation?


The Terrorism Dog That Didn’t Bite: A Look Back at Violent Extremism in 2023

Predictions of a ‘rise’ in far right terrorism have been making the rounds for several years and been found wanting: is it time to admit that jihadis still rule the terrorism roost?


The week in terrorism: January 1-7, 2024

This is a summary of terrorism around the world for the week of January 1-7, with a short discussion on the implications for global security.

Quick Hits

What is behind the rise in Islamist terrorist level over the holiday season?

Jihadis who plan attacks over the holiday season clearly have missed the message behind Christmas. Bah humbug!


Different times called for different approaches in intelligence

Condemning someone for what they did decades ago based on what they knew then does not make a lot of sense

Quick Hits

Why the recent arrests of Hamas terrorists in Germany matter

The war in Gaza has heightened calls among jihadi groups for terrorist attacks in the West and particularly against Jews. What does all this mean?


Afghan interpreters deserve our protection 

People who put their lives at risk in Afghanistan to help our military in their operations abroad deserve our help: it is time for Canada to step up


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW): October 31 – November 6

Once again, jihadis were responsible for every single terrorist attack in the world during the week of October 31-November 6, 2022


Global Terrorism This Week – August 1-7, 2022

Terrorism around the globe for the week of August 1-7, 2022: again dominated by Islamist terrorist groups and individuals.