
Just how widespread is extremism in Canadian schools?

If you want to know what CSIS does and why it does it, a good place to start is the CSIS Act which dates back to the creation of that organisation out of the former RCMP Security Service back in 1984.  The Act has stood up fairly well over its first three decades despite several […]


Time to put up or shut up for Canada on the international stage

Is there any more annoying phrase than “the world needs more Canada”?  There is a book by that name by Heather Reisman, head of Indigo books, and a frequent slogan used by that chain.  It refers, I think, to the notion that Canada is such a nice place and that we Canadians are just so […]


Is Saudi Arabia serious about combating terrorism?

Published in The Hill Times November 30, 2017 An awful lot has been happening in Saudi Arabia of late.  There is a new sheriff-to-be in town, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman  – or MBS as he is known – and he is not wasting any time in making changes about the place.  Scores of senior […]


Social media and the fear of terrorism

This week I was very fortunate to be on a panel this week sponsored by the National Capital (Ottawa) branch of the Canadian International Council (CIC) with Ben Rowswell and Dr. Stephanie Carvin of Carleton University entitled ‘From Blogs to Books to Software’.  Mr. Rowswell gave an outstanding talk on how social media is changing […]


Saudi Arabia, modernity and counter terrorism

Three cheers for Saudi Arabia!  The conservative Kingdom has ruled that women can now drive and no longer need to be accompanied by a mahram (essentially a male guardian) when they are in a car.  Many are celebrating this decision although some conservative killjoys have accused the government of ‘bending the rules of Sharia’.  Some […]


Are the Saudis really on our side in counter terrorism?

One country that remains a mystery to many is Saudi Arabia.  A relatively new state – it really only dates from 1930 – this desert land sprang from an odd mid 18th century agreement between a very conservative religious tradition, Wahhabism, and the rule of a single family, the Al Sauds.  The Wahhabis care for […]


One man’s terrorist is another man’s child soldier?

Oh no, you are probably saying!  Please, dear God, not another column on Omar Khadr!  Make it stop! Sorry, dear readers, but I feel compelled to address an issue that seems to have been overlooked in the polarising saga of the son of one of Canada’s most infamous terrorists.  That issue is not whether he […]


Missing the terrorist forest for the Western trees

A pattern is emerging when it comes to the aftermath of a terrorist attack in the West.  People of all faiths and backgrounds denounce the attack, politicians swear that their nations will not be cowed by fear, candles and late-night vigils abound, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris is lit with the colours of the […]


Kowtowing to terrorists and fear

There sure seems to be a lot of hand wringing over travel these days.  We have had two bans imposed by the US, one ridiculous (the generic ban on anyone coming from 6 Muslim countries) and one more realistic, albeit still open to question (the ban on electronic devices for passengers boarding aircraft in 10 […]


Should we be laying blasphemy charges in the 21st century?

There have been many times in history where statements made publicly have turned out to be somewhat less than true.   Remember the famous “Dewey defeats Truman” headline in the 1948 US Presidential election?  What about then CIA Director George Tenet’s claim that intelligence pointing to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was a “slam […]