
Why going after Iran to compensate 9/11 victims’ families means we have entered the Twilight Zone

There are times I read something and stop suddenly, asking myself “did I read that right?”, or “did I somehow get the message wrong?” Perhaps I skipped over the text and missed some detail (like yesterday when I thought I had a conference call that day which is actually taking place May 1). Maybe I […]


The US terrorism obsession on Iran is blinding it to the real threat – Saudi Arabia

I see that the US State Department has elected to list the Pasdaran – the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps or IRGC – as a “foreign terrorist organisation/state sponsor of terrorism”. In a tit for tat move, Iranian lawmakers have prepared legislation that would label the US military as a terrorist group, according to Iran’s state-run […]


Was the Iranian revolution really the catalyst for modern religious extremism? Nope.

In case you didn’t notice – or don’t care – today marks the 40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution. It was this day in 1979 that the Ayatollah Khomeini-led revolt against the Shah of Iran consolidated victory in what became known as the Dah-e-fajr (the ‘ten days of dawn’ in Farsi, the period between Khomeini’s […]


Yes, Iran can be a victim of terrorism too

Word association test time!   Quick, what is the first thing that comes into mind when I give you the word…..Iran.  Rogue state?  Terrorist sponsor?  Religious fanaticism?  How about terrorist victim? Wait, what?  Iran as a victim and not a sponsor of terrorism? No, that can’t be!  You must have your facts wrong or you must […]


A few thoughts on the US decision to axe the Iranian nuclear deal

This piece was published in The Hill Times on May 14, 2018. I must confess that I hesitated quite a bit before putting pen to paper (fingers to keyboard?) on this topic.  I was sitting in a Maple Leaf lounge at LaGuardia Airport in New York when CNN broadcast its ‘breaking news’ coverage of US […]


Who should we worry about more: Saudi Arabia or Iran?

I bet some of you are wondering why this blog post is being written, in light of the title.  Surely, you are probably saying, there is no contest.  Iran meddles in the affairs of other countries, supports terrorist groups like Hamas and Hizballah and is trying to acquire nuclear weapons.  And then there is that […]


Again, the Liberals show they don’t really understand national security

Yes, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps needed to be listed as a terrorist entity — years ago. What took the Liberals so long?


Foreign interference inquiry testimony yet more proof Ottawa doesn’t take national security seriously

The more we learn about the volume of intelligence ignored on PRC election interference in Canada, the more worried we should be


Why National Security Matters: Just Take a Look Around the World

The world has always been a dangerous place but is it becoming more dangerous, even more so than during the Cold War?

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: March 25-31, 2024

Another week another total domination by Islamist terrorism. This trend line has held up so far in 2024 and is very unlikely to change. It is time to accept facts.