
The implications of Brexit for national security

In the run-up to the British referendum on whether to stay in the European Union or not there were many dire predictions on how a leave vote would effect the United Kingdom.  We are already seeing significant economic fallout and the weeks and months to follow will likely bring more negative consequences in the political […]


Homegrown Terrorists: Canada Must Take the Jihadi Threat More Seriously

Jihadi terrorism remains by far the greatest scourge globally and Canada is not immune from it. We need to stop being in denial

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Anti-Semitism: hate or terrorism?

The rise in pro-Palestinian demos has skirted the anti-Semitism line: has it crossed into terrorist activity?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

How bad has anti-Semitism gotten in Canada?

Criticism of a state over its acts is an acceptable form of protest: what happens when that state is Israel and opposition turns to anti-Semitism?


If Canada Is a Likely Target for Terrorist Attacks, Canadians Need to Know

Does the UK know something of the terrorist threat to Canada that we don’t? If so, I hope we find out!


Did India send a hit squad to kill an alleged Sikh terrorist in Canada?

Nations cannot be permitted to send ‘hit squads’ to other nations to kill dissidents: is India part of this club?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canadian Intelligence Eh! – Episode 152: Whither Afghanistan?

Afghanistan is again under Taliban terrorist rule – what to expect? A conversation with Naomi Kikoler

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

How important are human sources in counter terrorism? A conversation with former CSIS officers and agents

Canadian Intelligence Eh! – Episode 150: How far should the use of human sources go to collect intelligence? The world of counter terrorism is a dirty business.   Intelligence services and law enforcement need to infiltrate terrorist cells to see what they are planning and part of those efforts involve the recruitment and running of human […]


Is Canada’s security service focusing on the right terrorist threat?

The decision to shift counter terrorism resources from jihadis to RWE is ill-advised and may come back to bite us one day.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – August 8-14

Terrorism around the globe for the week of August 8-14, 2022: again dominated by Islamist terrorist groups and individuals.