
Suicide attack in Afghanistan kills eight – December 24, 2009

As much as we can, and should, condemn terrorism, we have to admire the ingenuity of some terrorists.


Today in Terrorism: December 6, 2011 – Afghanistan Shia Shrine attack

Our focus on Western victims of Islamist terrorism is understandable but misplaced: the vast majority of those targeted are Muslim.


Afghanistan, terrorism and Canada: the nexus that never goes away

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on April 15, 2019 As all Canadians know, our country has a longstanding relationship with Afghanistan. In the aftermath of 9/11 the government decided to send our military, first special forces, then regular troops, to engage in what began as counter terrorism (CT) and ended as a combination […]


They don’t call Afghanistan the graveyard of empires for nothing

In January 1842 the British army suffered one of the most humiliating defeats in its history, a defeat memorialised in a painting entitled Remnants of an Army (shown above).  The British were massacred in retreating from Kabul in what is now known as the First Anglo-Afghan War, part of the ‘Great Game’ between Imperial Russia […]


What to do about Afghanistan?

I have come to know the journalist Michael Petrou over the past few years.  He would sometimes call me to seek my views on terrorism when he was with Macleans magazine and I relied heavily on his book ‘Renegades’ – the story of Canadians in the Spanish Civil War – for a section of my […]


Islamist Terrorists are misogynists and rapists: it is time to accept that

Why does everyone shy away from condemning jihadis when it comes to sexual violence? After all, they have a long track record of these crimes.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Just how bad are Afghan women faring under the Taliban?

Jihadis are misogynist at the best of times but the Taliban take the cake. How are Afghan women coping with these extremists back in power?

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The Week in Terrorism: March 18-24, 2024

A very lethal week in terrorism, with the ISK attack in Moscow dominating the news. All deaths this week were at the hands of jihadis (RWE: 0)


Canadian Government Whistling Past the Jihadi Graveyard

Why can’t Canada label jihadi terrorism accurately as its allies do? What is it afraid of? No matter what you call it, it is the #1 terrorist threat globally


The Week in Terrorism: January 29-February 4, 2024

Islamist terrorists once again dominate globally in Africa, Asia and even Europe: nary a single far right attack or any other motivation