
Just how important is leadership to terrorist groups?

ISIS has a new leader – does it matter? Can society function if everyone is on the same level? Where would be without leaders?


February 01, 2004 | Bombings in Erbil, Iraq

On this day in 2004, two suicide bombers wearing explosives targeted the headquarters of Iraq’s two leading Kurdish political parties.


January 4, 2004 | Bombing in southern Philippines kills 22

The Philippines has been the unwanted stage for many terrorist groups over the decades, including Islamist ones.


Today in Terrorism: 6 November 2008, North Ossetia suicide minibus bombing

On this day in 2008, an apparent female bomber killed 11 during suicide attack on minibus near central market in capital of North Ossetia.


Today in terrorism: 16 October 2006, Sri Lanka

On this day in 2006, 92 sailors were killed and 150 more injured during a barbaric terrorist attack in Sri Lanka.


Today in terrorism: 15 October 1992

In just four hours, the village of Palliyathidal was the scene where some 285 men, women and children were killed by a 1,000 strong LTTE force.


September 16, 1920: Wall Street bombing

On this day in 1920 a horse-drawn wagon passed by lunchtime crowds on New York’s iconic Wall Street, stopped near the JP Morgan bank headquarters and went boom.


Counter terrorism agencies forced to juggle many balls simultaneously

In many ways you have to feel for security intelligence agencies. I know full well that this is not an easy thing to ask as I cannot imagine most citizens want to cut these organisations any slack, or acknowledge that what they are called on to do – what WE demand they do, i.e. to […]


The unintended consequences of terrorist attacks

You gotta feel for Sri Lanka. The island nation went through a full quarter century of civil war as the government tried, and ultimately succeeded, in defeating a separatist movement led by an actual terrorist group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or LTTE for short. The war ended in 2009, allowing Sri Lanka to […]


Something about the Sri Lankan terrorist attacks does not add up

As I continue to read and hear more about yesterday’s horrific terrorist attacks across Sri Lanka I find I am left with more questions than answers. I am supposed to be a terrorism ‘expert’ – how I dislike that term since it appears that just about everyone (and everything, including my dead cat) seems to […]