Hindu extremism and violence are on the ascendant in India: why is nothing being done about it?

Hindu extremism and violence are on the ascendant in India: why is nothing being done about it?
Why is it that so many so-called ‘religious’ terrorists seem to ignore the very tenets against murder that their religions explicitly espouse?
Jagmeet Singh says there’s a link between anti-maskers and far-right extremism.
On May 6, 2007 a clash broke out at a United Nations-run school in the Gaza Strip in which one person was killed and six wounded.
Necessary coinage or political correctness?
On this day in 2004 in Basra, Iraq masked men leaped out of two pickup trucks and unloaded their Kalashnikov rifles at a group of sidewalk alcohol vendors
Why extreme views may not be violent but still can an effect on public safety.
It is time for the Modi government to disavow violent Hindu extremism in Assam and elsewhere as well as time for all nations to crack down on Islamist terrorism
The links between Christians extremism and the far-right.
Countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar have so far turned a blind eye to mounting sectarian sentiment in Pakistan against Shiites and Ahmadis.