
Condemn the terrorist but pity the mother and father

It is pretty tough, and rightfully so, to feel sorry for those who think becoming a terrorist is a good idea.  These are choices made and bad choices sometimes have bad consequences.  Those who recognise this realise that there is a price to pay for making a stupid decision. Then again there are those who […]


Why joining a terrorist group should be enough to convict

I am pretty sure I have mentioned this before but here it is again.  When I worked for CSIS and my colleagues and I had occasion to talk to Canadians who had traveled to Afghanistan to join Al Qaeda we would often hear some lame excuse from the returnees as to what they did while […]


Is the far right extremist threat really that big in Canada?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on October 15, 2018. There is no question that when the topic around the water cooler turns to terrorism – not that I hope or think that it often does – as far as the average citizen is concerned the particular brand of terrorism that garners the most attention […]


Why Doug Ford’s burst on the Canadian counter terrorism scene is unhelpful – part two

Canadians are justifiably angry at those among us who spat on our flag, burned their passports and left one of the world’s finest countries to join terrorist groups like Islamic State (IS).  Not that the numbers are that high – a few hundred maybe compared with thousands from several European, African and Asian nations – […]


Doug Ford’s unhelpful arrival on the counter terrorism scene

Foreign fighters are all the rage these days in Canada (hmm, ‘all the rage’ – kinda describes jihadis to a T doesn’t it?).  Many, many Canadians are going ballistic over reports that some of our citizens who left our land to join Islamic State or other terrorist groups abroad have had a change of heart […]


Why we should not be in a rush to repatriate Canadian IS fighters – part two

While this may strike some people as arrogant and dismissive I have to confess that when I listen to ‘experts’ talk about national security issues in the media I first look at who is speaking.  Some of those who offer opinions are journalists, others are politicians or political junkies, still others are academics.  All have […]


Why intelligence services need access to your phone

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on October 8, 2018. How many of you recall the terrorist attack in San Bernardino back in December 2015?  An Islamist terrorist couple went in to a California health sector office’s Christmas party and opened fire, killing 14 and wounding 22.  The two were later killed in a […]


When you make the wrong assumptions you make the wrong decisions

Sometimes you read something in the news that leaves you shaking your head.  Here is an example. The government of Nepal has banned pornography – again – in order to, wait for it, ban rape.  To this end,  it has added harsh fines or prison sentences for internet service providers who refuse to comply with the […]


Are the Saudis pulling a fast one on the world? Yep

Do you know the old saying “Fool me once, shame on  you.  Fool me twice, shame on me”?  It refers to the notion that we may be hoodwinked by an unscrupulous character once for no fault of our own (aside from having a poor judge of character perhaps), but if we have the wool pulled […]


Terrorists are not lonely, even in wolf form, and neither are counter terrorism practitioners

As a former practitioner in the security intelligence world I have, as do many others, a distinct bias. My understanding of many different social phenomena is informed and framed by the job I did and the particular kind of information I had access to for more than three decades: i.e. classified secrets.  In light of […]