
No, Al Qaeda never went away

Ready for a “where were you when…?”  question?  I launched my first book last week in Ottawa and my host, the CBC’s Hannah Thibedeau, asked me what my favourite part of ‘An end to the war on terrorism‘ was.  She had warned me she was going to throw that one at me so I had […]


The balance between countering terrorism and free speech

This post appeared in The Hill Times on October 1, 2018. In 1964 US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart came up with a now famous comment that has become a meme (not there were memes back in 1964).   During a threshold case on obscenity he stated “I shall not today attempt further to define the […]


How to determine terrorist threat levels

On November 13, 2015 I was in France, Paris to be precise.  If that date reminds you of something, let me refresh your memory.  That was of course  the day – or more accurately the evening – when a group of Islamist terrorists struck in the core of the country’s capital, attacking the national sports […]


Back to the future for the CIA and counter terrorism

If there is one agency that has not done too well, at least not publicly, since 9/11 it is the US’ CIA.  From failing to have the right people and resources in place to prevent those terrorist acts from happening to the news over the use of torture and ‘black sites’, the Agency – as […]


Please stop saying terrorism is ‘defeated’!!

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on September 17, 2018. At the risk of engaging in pure self promotion I would like to announce that my fourth book on terrorism, entitled “An end to the ‘war on terrorism’”, is coming out later this month (for those in Ottawa who are  interested I will be […]


What’s with Islamophobia in Quebec?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on September 10, 2018 “Islam should be banned like we ban pit bulls”.  You read that right.  This was a Twitter post by an erstwhile candidate for the Parti Quebecois in the upcoming Quebec election.  Suffice to say he is no longer on the PQ slate.  But let […]


Terrorism is cheap: get used to it.

How much money do you carry in your wallet?  If you are Canadian not much.  We are apparently the world’s most frequent users of debit, followed by the Swedes.  So I guess not much then. Before the dawn of debit, though, I would wager that most people carried $60-100 on them at any given time. […]


Yes, the State does have a right to take away your right to travel

A couple of months ago I attended a meeting of TSAS, an assembly of Canadian academics who look at terrorism and national security issues (TSAS stands for ‘Terrorism, Security and Society).  I have a number of friends at TSAS and am in fact an affiliate, although I am not myself an academic. At that meeting […]


A terrorist tells us why he did it – why should we believe him?

One of the harshest criticisms over a lot of stuff that is written about terrorism is the distinct lack of reliable and primary sources.  Papers and books are written in an academic style with little use of actual data, although as my friend Bart Schuurman in the Netherlands has stated things are looking up as […]


How to stop our elections from foreign meddling

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on August 27, 2018 Whatever side you take on the investigation by former FBI Director Robert Mueller on whether the Trump campaign team colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential elections – either it is a very serious allegation of wrongdoing by the current president and/or his […]