
Ottawa’s Foreign Interference Bill a Welcome First Step, but Questions Remain

In an effort to be seen to do something about foreign interference, the Canadian government announces a ‘foreign agent registry’. Now what?


Foreign Interference Inquiry: Many Questions Still Remain, Including Why Intelligence Was Ignored

More and more is being learned about foreign interference in Canadian elections and less and less is being done about it

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Russia and the Taliban getting together, really?

The old phrase ‘once burned twice shy’ does not seem to apply when it comes to Russia and Afghanistan: why would the former want to jump back in to the Central Asian nation?


Beijing’s Technology Theft in Canada Grows by the Day as the Feds Sit on Their Hands

Chinese theft of Canadian technology goes on and on and on and our government does not care at all about the damage done


After the Inquiry, Will Anyone Take Responsibility for Allowing Foreign Interference in Elections?

It is expected that those responsible for errors admit their mistakes and take ownership: not this government when it comes to PRC interference in Canada

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The terrorism landscape in Australia – what gives?

Two recent attacks in Australia have people wondering what constitutes terrorism and what doesn’t: is it time to rethink the concept?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is terrorism becoming ‘socialised’ in Canada?

Is Canada putting too much under the terrorism rubric with serious consequences for trying to stop it?


Foreign interference inquiry testimony yet more proof Ottawa doesn’t take national security seriously

The more we learn about the volume of intelligence ignored on PRC election interference in Canada, the more worried we should be

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

Why treating national security as a profession is important

There is a reason why professionally-trained individuals are important in several areas of knowledge, and that includes national security

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are pro-Palestinian protests also pro-terrorism?

While you would have to be heartless not to feel for the suffering in Gaza why can’t Palestinian activists feel for the suffering of Israelis?