
No fly? No problem!

Governments around the world have adopted a number of strategies to deal with their citizens who want to engage in terrorism.  At the far end of the scale investigations are carried out, arrests are made, trials are held and guilty parties are put in prison.  On the other end of the scale early intervention and […]


Should Canadians be worried about CSE?

If there is one spy agency in Canada that is poorly understood and about which much of little veracity has been published it has to be CSE – Communications Security Establishment. CSE has a number of roles but the one that gets the most public attention is signals intelligence or SIGINT. This method of intelligence […]


Are Canadian mosques hotbeds of extremism?

As we continue to deal with the very real – albeit not existential – threat from Islamist extremism and terrorism we are inundated with analyses and reporting from a variety of institutes, scholars and journalists all extolling on some aspect of the problem.  I have worked in this field for the past 15 years as […]


How much has our understanding about radicalisation grown since 9/11?

Last week saw the emergence of a very interesting report by the Montreal-based Centre for the Prevention of Radicalisation Leading to Violence (known by its French acronym CPRMV) on the situation at the College de Maisonneuve, from where several young people had left to engage in jihad in Syria.  The centre, which was stood up […]


How do we know when a terrorist is lying?

One thing I find fascinating is the science of lie detection. There is a lot of research out there about which tools can pick up on an attempt to avoid the truth, ranging from eye movement (saccades) to vocabulary use.  As a former intelligence analyst I had to undergo periodic lie detector tests.  They were […]


What threat do returning foreign fighters pose?

As we still reel from the foiled terrorist attack  last week in Strathroy, Ontario, we can still rest assured that attacks, successful or not, remain a rarity in Canada.  In the period since 9/11 we have had no more than 8 such incidents: on average one every two years.   When we compare our experiences […]


If I were Minister of Public Safety for a day

The Canadian Minister of Public Safety, Ralph Goodale, will make some comments later today on the Liberal government’s plans on counter radicalisation.  The Liberals have promised to create a centre of excellence, to be known as the Office of the Coordinator for Counter Radicalisation and Community Engagement, to be housed within his department. The Minister […]


How should we respond to terrorism?

I apologise  for leading off with a statement of the obvious, but terrorism is real.  We in Canada were reminded of that this week when the RCMP and its partners thwarted an attack by Aaron Driver in Strathroy.  Regardless of whether Mr. Driver’s attempt was amateurish or not, whether he was an “A”-team member or […]


Do Canadian authorities have enough counter terrorism tools?

Today in the small southwestern Ontario town of Strathroy a young man known to police for having terrorist connections was killed by security forces after he appeared to have exploded a device and had another in  his possession.  The victim, Aaron Driver, had been arrested in June 2015 after expressing support for Islamic State (IS) […]


The challenge of detecting radicalisation

In Cixin Liu’s science fiction novel The Dark Forest (sequel to The Three Body Problem), a race from the Alpha Centauri system has identified Earth as a suitable home and is seeking to thwart any efforts from our planet to interfere with their takeover plans.  One of the new technologies developed by the “Trisolarans”, who […]