
Why the Disturbing Silence on Jihadi Violence Against Those Who Do Not Share Their Religious Worldview?

Woke and political correctness cultures prevent us from talking honestly about the single greatest terrorism threat globally: that carried out by jihadis


After the Inquiry, Will Anyone Take Responsibility for Allowing Foreign Interference in Elections?

It is expected that those responsible for errors admit their mistakes and take ownership: not this government when it comes to PRC interference in Canada


Pro-Palestinians Doth Protest Too Much

Pro-Palestinian protests have a serious credibility problem when they do not denounce Hamas terrorism and target synagogues


Canadian Government Whistling Past the Jihadi Graveyard

Why can’t Canada label jihadi terrorism accurately as its allies do? What is it afraid of? No matter what you call it, it is the #1 terrorist threat globally

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is Hizb-ut-Tahrir and why did the UK list it as a terrorist organisation?

You would think that a government would list terrorist groups for specific reasons (prosecution among them). Is it as easy as all that?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Afghanistan under the Taliban (again!): what are our concerns?

Afghanistan is now again under the medieval reign of the Taliban: what does this mean for the country and the region?


We Mustn’t Forget What Triggered the War on Terrorists in Gaza

Calling for a ceasefire in Gaza has merit but we must also recognise there would be no war in the first place if Hamas were not there

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why foreign HUMINT collection should be left to the professionals

In the post 9/11 period a lot of agencies wanted to hone in on the collection of security intelligence: did Canada make a mistake in letting the foreign ministry do so?

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

How can academe help us to understand terrorism?

How do academics and practitioners in countering terrorism get along and what are the challenges?

Quick Hits

Spying is not for amateurs

A decision to collect intelligence from human sources abroad on security matters needs to be carefully thought out and not done flippantly