
Did India send a hit squad to kill an alleged Sikh terrorist in Canada?

Nations cannot be permitted to send ‘hit squads’ to other nations to kill dissidents: is India part of this club?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canada’s security service is the most over-regulated one in the Western world

Running an intelligence agency is not an average job one would imagine: what was it like to do so in Canada in the post Cold War/9/11 era?


When it comes to the Trudeaus and intelligence activities, like father do unlike son

Trudeau the father and Trudeau the son could not have been more different when it comes to dealing with national security threats to Canada


When Dictatorships Are in Doubt They Call Their Citizens ‘Terrorists’

In today’s world governments resort to slapping the ‘terrorism’ label on all kinds of things and people that have nothing to do with terrorism.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

What ever happened to Sikh terrorism?

Sikh extremists in Canada carried out the largest act of aviation terrorism prior to 9/11 in 1985: do they still pose a threat?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are academic studies on terorism headed in the wrong direction?

Terrorism studies academics and CT practitioners are both looking at the same phenomenon, but can they work better together?


We do not benefit from the whitewashing of terrorism

Looking back at a terrorist plot 15 years later only to force it through the filter of ‘racism’ is just plain wrong and unhelpful.

Quick Hits

The courts and terrorism: what role is most ‘judicious’

What role should our courts play in counter terrorism? Are there court cases in which there are frivolous accusations as to who is behind terrorism?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Can risk assessment tools really prevent terrorism?

Can we predict who becomes a terrorist and why? That is what some risk assessment tools claim – are they accurate?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is it like to work at the pointy end of counter-terrorism?

In a world of so many who see themselves as terrorism ‘experts’ we really should listen to those who have pointy end of the stick experience