
Why the Disturbing Silence on Jihadi Violence Against Those Who Do Not Share Their Religious Worldview?

Woke and political correctness cultures prevent us from talking honestly about the single greatest terrorism threat globally: that carried out by jihadis


The Terrorism Dog That Didn’t Bite: A Look Back at Violent Extremism in 2023

Predictions of a ‘rise’ in far right terrorism have been making the rounds for several years and been found wanting: is it time to admit that jihadis still rule the terrorism roost?

Quick Hits

It is high time we stop saying jihadi terrorism has waned

The belief by some that a particular form of international terrorism, i.e. jihadi violent extremism, is on the wane or no longer important is most definitely wrong.

Quick Hits

Is it ever ok to make fun of terrorism?

Is laughing at terrorists an insult to the victims or is it a good strategy to pursue and acceptable?


May 12, 2003: Multiple suicide bombings in Saudi Arabia

On May 12, 2003 39 people were killed and more than 160 wounded when AQ set off bombs in three compounds in Riyadh.


I don’t like you; you must be a terrorist

The disturbing practice of calling opposition groups and politicians terrorists is not only unhelpful but conducive to the undermining of democracy.


November 25, 1973: Marathon airline hijacking over Iraq

On November 25, 1973 three members of the Arab Youth Organization for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked a KLM flight over Iraqi airspace.

Radio interview

Intelligence veteran remembers the 9/11 terrorist attacks, 20 years later

“There has been hints and warnings”


April 24, 2006 bombings at tourist sites in Egypt

On this day in 2006 three bombs ripped through a tourist hub in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula killing 23 and wounding scores.


February 21, 2016: ISIS terrorists behead Hindu priest in Bangladesh

On this day in 2016 two members of ISIS in Bangladesh beheaded a senior Hindu priest and wounded two worshippers in northern Bangladesh