
October 8, 2002: Al Qaeda attack in Kuwait

Two AQ terrorists attacked unarmed US Marines engaged in exercises on Kuwait’s Failaka Island in 2002, killing one and wounding one.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Podcast 30 – Counter terrorism expert discusses with former Al Qaeda top bomb maker

What happens when you gather together a former Al Qaeda bombmaker, a guy who wanted to be a monk and a former CSIS analyst to talk about terrorism?


Remember Al Qaeda? It’s baaaacckkk!

When you have been at war with something for almost two decades it is important to declare ‘victory’ at some point. Those whose support you – i.e. the public/taxpayer – need and want to see some results for the actions they are backstopping. Fighting for years with no sense that you are winning is a […]


Podcast #4 – W(h)ither Al Qaeda?

Here is the script that accompanies episode #4 of the podcast “An Intelligent Look at Terrorism”: W(h)ither Al Qaeda? There are a lot of good pieces on the status of Al Qaeda and here are links to a few of them: Here is a piece on the assessment of the Office of […]


No, Al Qaeda never went away

Ready for a “where were you when…?”  question?  I launched my first book last week in Ottawa and my host, the CBC’s Hannah Thibedeau, asked me what my favourite part of ‘An end to the war on terrorism‘ was.  She had warned me she was going to throw that one at me so I had […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Talking with Jesse Morton, former Al-Qaeda recruiter in the US

Episode 106 – A fascinating conversation with Jesse Morton, former to Al Qaeda recruiter in the US

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Russia and the Taliban getting together, really?

The old phrase ‘once burned twice shy’ does not seem to apply when it comes to Russia and Afghanistan: why would the former want to jump back in to the Central Asian nation?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The terrorism landscape in Australia – what gives?

Two recent attacks in Australia have people wondering what constitutes terrorism and what doesn’t: is it time to rethink the concept?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is terrorism becoming ‘socialised’ in Canada?

Is Canada putting too much under the terrorism rubric with serious consequences for trying to stop it?

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

Why treating national security as a profession is important

There is a reason why professionally-trained individuals are important in several areas of knowledge, and that includes national security