
Is CSIS a den of racism and Islamophobia? No, but…

Ever since Michelle Shephard of the Toronto Star broke the news of a $35 million lawsuit by 5 CSIS employees I have agonised over what to write and even whether to write about this issue.  I turned down several requests for interviews from major Canadian TV networks and a few radio stations since I did […]


CSIS and the courts at loggerheads?

These past couple of months have not been good for Canada’s spy service.  First, the Federal Court ruled that CSIS has been negligent in informing it of a programme whereby it ‘illegally kept’ data (which it had collected legally under warrant) on Canadians.  Then there is the criticism that the Service shared questions with the […]


Why the US needs a CSIS for counter terrorism

I know for sure that this blog is going to raise some hackles, especially among my US friends and colleagues.  Why?  Because I am going to argue that the current US counter terrorism architecture is inadequate to deal with the threat and needs a serious overhaul.  The solution I am proposing, however, will go against […]


CSIS and disruption

CSIS Director Michel Coulombe appeared before the Senate National Security and Defence Committee today and stated that his organisation has used its new disruption powers over twenty times since 2015.   This measure was controversial when introduced by the former Conservative government and is still seen by some as too strong for a service that […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Three decades in national security: what was it like?

Working in national security is a very cool business. It is worth listening to the experiences of someone who did this for 30 years in Canada

Quick Hits

Canada’s immigration system is broken when it comes to public safety and the government could not care less

When artificial immigration goals are seen as a priority and national security/public safety are ignored something is badly wrong

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What can the ordinary public do to help authorities prevent violence?

Most people exhibit signs before they carry out an act of violence (including acts of terrorism). So, whose responsibility is it to act on this info?

Quick Hits

Why accurate language is important in counter-terrorism

We know a lot about terrorism, its genesis, and its characteristics so why do we pussy foot around the precise use of language?

Quick Hits

States have a duty to battle disinformation when it comes to acts of violence

Why are governments so reluctant to release corroborated, accurate information in the wake of violent attacks when such a move can deflate further violence?


Homegrown Terrorists: Canada Must Take the Jihadi Threat More Seriously

Jihadi terrorism remains by far the greatest scourge globally and Canada is not immune from it. We need to stop being in denial