I know I have gone over this material before but there is nothing like an anniversary to occasion yet another look at an incident. The ‘incident’ I am referring to is the 15th anniversary of the US decision to invade Iraq in 2003. No matter what side of the political spectrum you belong to I […]
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This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on January 23, 2025. Some people may be surprised to learn that the word “terrorism” is not that old. Oh sure, we had the Reign of Terror in France in the late 1790s, but the common use of the concept really only dates to the middle […]
This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on January 6, 2025. Those who toil in national security in Canada have one primary task: to keep our country safe from a plethora of threats. These range from garden-variety criminality (assaults, thefts, fraud, and acts of violence, all of which are tied to public safety […]
This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on December 9, 2024. Assad is gone from Syria. Hip hip hooray. Actually, let’s wait a minute before celebrating. Any time a dictator who has abused his nation’s citizens—jailing them, torturing them, and even using chemical weapons against them—is forced to flee has to be a […]
Those who stated confidently that ISIS had been ‘defeated’ in 2019 were totally, totally wrong
It is time for EVERYONE to call out jihadis for what they are: misogynists who hate women and will do everything they can to harm them
Most people exhibit signs before they carry out an act of violence (including acts of terrorism). So, whose responsibility is it to act on this info?
Jihadi terrorism remains by far the greatest scourge globally and Canada is not immune from it. We need to stop being in denial
Canada has failed miserably when it comes to laying charges on ISIS returnees: maybe that is about to change
Canada really needs to come up with a policy on what to do with our fellow citizens who left to join terrorist groups: Sweden has some good ideas