Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Can risk assessment tools really prevent terrorism?

Can we predict who becomes a terrorist and why? That is what some risk assessment tools claim – are they accurate?


How meaningful is ‘sorry’ after a mass terrorist attack?

Should we accept an apology from a convicted terrorist who was let out early after having built bombs that killed more than 200?

Quick Hits

Quick Hits Episode 206: when woke culture makes national security impossible

Woke and cancel culture are gaining ground on many fronts and may in fact be having a serious effect on our ability to ensure national security and public safety.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – October 17-23, 2022

Jihadist attacks again dominated global terrorism from October 17-23; nary a right-wing attack anywhere (again)

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

A new jihadi threat in West Africa: a conversation with Jessica Moody

Several West African states are facing a growing threat from Islamist terrorist groups gaining local support in their northern regions.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – August 29 to September 4, 2022

Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – August 29 – September 4, 2022: Islamist terrorism reigns again!

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Working as a journalist in terrorist zones: a conversation with Lynne O’Donnell

Journalists often have to put themselves in danger from violent actors, including terrorists; one reporter’s story from Afghanistan.


Old jihadi causes never die…nor do they fade away

The recent attack on UK author Salman Rushdie is a potent reminder that calls for religious violence can last decades.


Once a terrorist, always a terrorist? The conundrum of parole

What level of risk are we willing to take when it comes to releasing those convicted of terrorism and who may re-offend?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What really happened during this winter’s Freedom Convoy in Ottawa?

Episode 135 – The Freedom Convoy got a lot of attention in Canada and abroad but what actually happened? Borealis talks to the author of a new book on the event