
January 2, 2016 Islamist attack on Indian airbase

On this day in 2016, Pakistani terrorists dressed in Indian Army uniforms attacked the Pathankot Air Base, killing several personnel.


Indonesian police shoot dead three suspected militants (July 14, 2018)

On this day in 2018, Indonesian counter terrorism police foiled a plot by JAD Islamist terrorists in the Java city of Yogyakarta.


Refugee camp leader hacked to death (June 18, 2018)

On this day in 2018, members of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army brutally dismembered a camp leader in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh.


ISIS jihadis stone woman to death on charges of adultery (June 9, 2016)

Sexual mores were once the purview of the state and thankfully that has changed. Tell that to ISIS. MOSUL, IRAQ — Stop me if you have heard this before but I am a HUGE Monty Python fan and have been for decades. I used to watch the original series on PBS growing up in southwestern […]


January 31, 1996 | LTTE attack in Colombo

On this day in 1996, a truck loaded with explosives crashed into the central bank in the heart of Colombo’s financial district, killing at least 91.


Blasphemy gives Muslims a bad name

This post appeared in The Hill Times on May 27, 2019. As noted on many, many (too many?) occasions I am a very devoted Monty Python fan. Some of my readers may not share my taste in humour, but then again they do say that what makes you laugh is very personal. Of all the […]


You offended God. You must die

My late mother taught me a lot and left me with advice that has stood the test of time. One of the things she told me was that it was rarely a good idea to engage in talks about politics or religion. Both are often very personal and very important to people’s identity. We are […]


Terrorism debates are getting personal: a call for civility!

I am fairly certain that a lot of what I have elected to write about today will come as a shock to no one, but here it is anyway. There is a lot of nastiness online. Yes, yes, I realise that this is not an earth-shattering revelation but I feel a need to weigh in […]


What the puck?? Can a piece of vulcanised rubber stop an active shooter?

This piece and a rebuttal both appeared on the Resilience Post Web site on December 6, 2018. One of my favourite Monty Python skits (and I have tonnes of those!) is the one in which John Cleese plays a drill sergeant who is teaching a bunch of recruits how to defend themselves against an adversary […]


The cutting edge of unstoppable terrorism

This piece appeared in the April 23 edition of The Hill Times In a very funny Monty Python skit John Cleese plays a drill sergeant who is trying to teach a bunch of skinny recruits to defend themselves against foes wielding fresh fruit (oranges, apples, grapefruit, pomegranates….)  with typical hilarious results.  Cleese gets the underwear-clad […]