
When everything is seen as terrorism, nothing is terrorism

Terrorism means many things to many people and we may be heading down an unhelpful pathway.


April 26, 2016 | Drownings by ISIS

On this day in 2016, ISIS animals put seven men in a cage and lowered it into the water where they all died by drowning.


February 3, 2018 | Shooting of immigrants in Italy

The UN High Commission for Refugees estimates there are currently over 70 MILLION people who have been forced to flee their homes: anti-immigrant/refugee backlash is growing as well. WHERE ARE YOU? By that I don’t mean where you live now or where you were born (at least not necessarily). No, what I am getting at […]


January 24, 1975 | Bombing in New York City

Nationalist movements will resort to violence if some see it as advancing their cause. When it comes to colonial powers what comes to mind? I would imagine that you would first proffer countries like England, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Even Italy had an overseas territory in the Horn of Africa and Libya. All […]


Why New Year’s Eve is a prime terrorist target

On previous New Year’s Eve, terrorist attacks have indeed been carried out. Here is a sample.


When all everyone wants to talk about is far right extremism can we forget about the jihadis?

Why Islamist terrorism must remain an investigative priority.


Today in terrorism: 11 October 1993

On this day in 1993, a publisher linked to “The Satanic Verses”, a novel by Salman Rushdie, was shot in Oslo, Norway.


Today in terrorism: October 1, 1910

On this day in 1910, a time bomb built of 16 sticks of connected to a cheap windup alarm clock exploded in an alley next to the Los Angeles Times.


Today in terrorism – September 27, 2018

Terrorism is not always as ‘in your face’ as we sometimes think. Campaigns of violence, often mislabeled as the work of ‘insurgents’ or ‘militants’ can go on for years and even decades with little reverberation in the news, especially if the killing occurs in a faraway land or part of a country well off the […]


Are Christians targeted more by terrorists than others? No

They often say that truth is the first casualty of war. States and militaries have all kinds of reasons to hide facts if for no other one than to cover up their ‘mistakes’ (except that military ‘mistakes’ usually imply lots of meaningless deaths). A good example is the US insistence that few if any civilians […]