Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

How can academe help us to understand terrorism?

How do academics and practitioners in countering terrorism get along and what are the challenges?

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Spying is not for amateurs

A decision to collect intelligence from human sources abroad on security matters needs to be carefully thought out and not done flippantly

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

What is it like to write about terrorism for the news cycle?

Writing about terrorism cannot be easy given the inherent danger in going to conflict zones: so why does a Canadian journalist do it?


On the Intelligence Front, the Ortis Trial Has Several Important Aspects

When those accused of leaking intelligence to people without a ‘need to know’ interesting things can happen!

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is happening in France vis-a-vis terrorism?

Of all the Western nations France seems to suffer the highest level of terrorist attacks. Why is this?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What are the repercussions of the Hamas attack and Israel’s response?

In the aftermath of the heinous attack by Hamas in Israel what next? A very good question with few answers


Canadian feds continue to get a failing grade on intelligence

Intelligence is meant to be shared with those who have a ‘need to know’: why does the Canadian government not get this?

Quick Hits

Yes there is something called left-wing terrorism – get it right!

Left-wing terrorism is on the rise in many countries but no one seems to want to talk about it – why not?


Preventing Chinese Espionage in Canada Is Not Akin to ‘Anti-Asian Racism’

For the Canadian government and Prime Minister Trudeau to dismiss legitimate concerns over PRC interference in our elections as ‘anti-Asian racism’ is nonsense

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

When it comes to counter-terrorism be careful whom you deal with

Several nations, especially in Africa, have engaged the Russia-based Wagner Group to do counter-terrorism ops. A good idea?