Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The next generation of the intelligence community

All professions need to regenerate themselves over time. So how do we in the intelligence community ensure that we have a steady stream of outstanding candidates?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

National security depends critically on international intelligence sharing

Countries which get more intelligence than they give cannot afford to abandon sharing with international partners


Is ISIS back? Actually, it never left the building

Those who stated confidently that ISIS had been ‘defeated’ in 2019 were totally, totally wrong


What does it take to list a terrorist group in Canada?

To paraphrase Justin Trudeau, “a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist’. Can naming a group as such be that complicated?

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Who thinks making an 11-year old girl a sex slave is OK? ISIS, that’s who

It is time for EVERYONE to call out jihadis for what they are: misogynists who hate women and will do everything they can to harm them


Does ‘beheading’ a terrorist group lead to the death of that group?

It is probably a good idea not to jump to conclusions when it comes to the killing of the leader of a terrorist group.

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Canada’s immigration system is broken when it comes to public safety and the government could not care less

When artificial immigration goals are seen as a priority and national security/public safety are ignored something is badly wrong

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Why accurate language is important in counter-terrorism

We know a lot about terrorism, its genesis, and its characteristics so why do we pussy foot around the precise use of language?

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States have a duty to battle disinformation when it comes to acts of violence

Why are governments so reluctant to release corroborated, accurate information in the wake of violent attacks when such a move can deflate further violence?

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An alleged jihadi attack in Ireand? Faith and begorrah!

An alleged jihadi attack on a military chaplain in Ireland possibly tied to ISIS just shows how prevalent this threat is.