
January 31, 1996 | LTTE attack in Colombo

On this day in 1996, a truck loaded with explosives crashed into the central bank in the heart of Colombo’s financial district, killing at least 91.


January 21, 1985 | Bombing of world’s largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia

On this day in 1985, Islamist terrorists placed 11 bombs on the 8th century Borobudur Buddhist temple in Central Java, the oldest structure in the world.


January 4, 2004 | Bombing in southern Philippines kills 22

The Philippines has been the unwanted stage for many terrorist groups over the decades, including Islamist ones.


Today in Terrorism: 6 November 2008, North Ossetia suicide minibus bombing

On this day in 2008, an apparent female bomber killed 11 during suicide attack on minibus near central market in capital of North Ossetia.


Today in terrorism: 15 October 1992

In just four hours, the village of Palliyathidal was the scene where some 285 men, women and children were killed by a 1,000 strong LTTE force.


September 16, 1920: Wall Street bombing

On this day in 1920 a horse-drawn wagon passed by lunchtime crowds on New York’s iconic Wall Street, stopped near the JP Morgan bank headquarters and went boom.


This day in terrorism: September 14, 2016

NB due to technical issues this blog is two days late: my apologies If you follow the news even a bit you know that places of worship are prime targets for terrorists and hatemongers. There are probably several reasons for this: they are generally unprotected; they are full of people at times; and they are […]


Terrorism: plus ca change (part 2)

If you are a faithful reader of my blogs or have had the opportunity to listen to my podcasts you will know that I have been going on lately about Buddhist terrorism. Yes, I am referring to that oddly-phrased form of violent extremism which I imagine strikes most as oxymoronic (can peaceful Buddhists REALLY engage […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Podcast 12 – Buddhist extremism

In our continuing series on religious terrorism it is time to look at Buddhist extremist violence. Yes, you read that right: Buddhists advocating killing. Have a listen!


Why the Islamist extremist threat is far larger than the far right one – so far (watch this space)

If you have been following the news/analysis cycle over the past few years with respect to terrorism you will already know that there is a massive debate going, especially in the West, on which bunch of terrorists poses a greater public safety threat to our societies: Islamist extremists or far right ones. There are proponents […]